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Build your brand online

Digital marketers and online specialists around the world (including yours truly) will talk about having an online presence, but you and me both know that you need to have more than just a presence.

What you do with your online presence is reflective of your brand and the way you earn customer loyalty, regardless of whether you’re a B2C or B2B organisation.

How loyal your customer is, is actually based on something quite simple, how your brand is perceived online and exactly what you’re offering. Remember, a competitor is merely 1 Google search away.

Don’t just have a presence
If your online presence is simply having a website and social media in place in a somewhat static form, the good news is that you do have a presence, the bad though…your presence sounds like it needs an injection of life. If you’re not making any updates, then you may just be getting as much out of your ‘presence’ as the guy who doesn’t have one at all.

What should I post about?
Try not to focus too much on your own company and I don’t mean to go bagging your competitor, but take one step back and start discussions/posts, that are more industry related. Don’t be afraid to post silly videos and discuss popular topics that can loosely be linked back to you i.e. a popular blooper video that shows someone falling over could be posted/shared by companies in industries such as work safety, insurance, legal, etc.
The number one rule is if you post only once a week, ensure you schedule the posts to be evenly spread through the week, use Hootsuite to help you.

Make an offer
Most companies aren’t too enthusiastic about giving away free stuff, special offers or discounts, but this really is a great way of attracting attention. So, if you have a sale of some sort, spend an hour planning how you’re going to roll out posts and messaging about that sale, it may just work.
A B2B engineering company I’ve worked with had a huge range of dead stock that they were looking to move, so, it was simply a matter of building a very simple landing page, which had a form on it, adding internal incentives for sales staff, then putting together 9 or 10 posts that were scripted slightly differently and organising the broadcast of the posts at different times. You can also incorporate an email campaign, maybe even put it on the home page of your website. This company not only did it, but it worked so well that this ‘one month only’ offer became an offer that was done several times a year.

Track everything you do online, having the statistics to say what works and what doesn’t, really is the key to success, as far as digital marketing/communications goes.
"It no longer makes economic sense to send an advertising message to the many in hopes of persuading the few." - M. LAWRENCE LIGHT, FORMER CMO, McDONALDS


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