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Showing posts from March, 2013

Working on the Brand Vs in the Brand

Having now been in digital marketing for over 10 years, I've been asked many questions from graduates and people wanting to kick off their career in the digital industry; none more pressing or prominent then " Where should I work, on the agency side or the client side?" What do you want? In order to find your answer, you really do need to outline your career objectives, not the type of objectives you might put in a resumé, but your 'real' career objectives: salary experience working for a desired brand making a difference shaping a brand's online presence building a portfolio, etc. Be under no illusions, if you want all of the above, you will have to build a solid foundation with one primary objective (albeit more of a 'must do'), work hard and work smart. I've worked for both a digital agency for a few years, as well as within marketing teams on the client side, and I can positively tell you that you would be best se